What is Al-Anon? 

Each Al-Anon Family Group has but one purpose: 

To help family & friends of alcoholics. 

If you are concerned with someone else's drinking, this program can help you. Today, many Al-Anon members, regardless of age or relationship to the alcoholic, are finding serenity in Al-Anon even if the alcoholic is still drinking or not. We are a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other so that we can solve our common problem. 

There are no dues or fees for Al-Anon members. We are self supporting through our own contributions. 

Al-Anon is a worldwide organization that offers help recovery programs for families & friends of Alcoholics whether the alcoholic is seeking help or even recognizes the existence of a drinking problem. Al-Anon is not a religious organization, a counseling agency, or treatment center nor is it allied with any sect, political organization or institution; Al-Anon does not engage in any controversy & neither endorses or opposes any cause. Membership is voluntary, requiring only that one's own life has been adversely affected by someone else's drinking.